Dr. Jitpanat Suwanthep
Phone: +66 4422 4362
1997 MATESL (Teaching English as a Second Language), University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA
1993 MA (English), Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok, Thailand
1991 BA (2nd Class Honors) (English), Silpakorn University, Nakornpathom, Thailand
Research Interests: L2 Writing, Technology Enhanced Language Learning, Curriculum Development
–Tao, P. & Suwanthep. J. (2019). Effects of web-based metacognitive listening on Chinese university EFL learners’ listening comprehension and metacognitive awareness. Indonesian Journal of Applied Linguistics Vol9, No. 2, September 2019.
–Wang, F. & Suwanthep, J. (2019). The material development of EFL vocabulary learning via constructivism-based mobile application. IISES International Academic Conference, Copenhagen, June 24 2019.
–Li. S. & Suwanthep, J. (2018). The Development of Flipped Classroom Lessons for EFL Speaking. ICFET ’18: Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Frontiers of Educational Technologies, June 2018
–Huashan, L., Tao, P. & Suwanthep, J. (2017). The Effect of Task-Related Involvement Load and Cross-Modality on Vocabulary Learning. DEStech Transactions on Social Science Education and Human Science, June 2017.
–Li. S. & Suwanthep, J. (2017). Integration of flipped classroom model for EFL speaking. International Journal of Learning and Teaching Vol. 3, No. 2, June 2017.
–Wang, F. & Suwanthep, J. (2017). Constructivism-based mobile application for EFL vocabulary learning. International Journal of Learning and Teaching Vol. 3, No. 2, June 2017
–Li, S. & Suwanthep, J. (2016). Developing EFL Speaking Skills via Flipped Classroom Instruction and Constructive Role-Plays. The 4th Foreign Language Learning and Teaching (FLLT) Conference, Bangkok, Thailand, June 24-25, 2016.
–Wang, F. & Suwanthep, J. (2016). Constructivism-based Mobile Learning Application and EFL Vocabulary Retention. Proceedings: International Academic Conference on Teaching, Learning and E-learning (IAC-TLEI) 2016. Budapest, Hungary, July 8-9, 2016