Dr. Issra Pramoolsook
2008 PhD in Applied Linguistics and English Language Teacher Centre for English Language Teacher Education University of Warwick, U.K.
1998 MA in English Language Studies and Methods Centre for English Language Teacher Education, University of Warwick, U.K.
1998 BA (2nd Class Honours) in English Faculty of Arts, Chulalongkorn University, THAILAND
Research Interests: L2 wiring, Discourse Analysis, Genre Analysis, Disciplinary Discourses
–Magday, W.D., Pramoolsook, I. (2020). Consistency verification between qualitative entries and quantitative ratings in the teaching evaluation forms of Filipino pre-service teachers. International Journal of Learning, Teaching and Educational Research 19(2), pp. 136-162
–Dalimunte, A.A., Pramoolsook, I. (2020). Genres classification and generic structures in the English language textbooks of economics and islamic economics in an Indonesian university. LEARN Journal: Language Education and Acquisition Research Network 13(1), pp. 1-19
–Zhang, Y., Pramoolsook, I. (2019). Generic complexity in bachelor’s theses by chinese english majors: An SFL perspective. GEMA Online Journal of Language Studies 19(4), pp. 304-326
–Pramoolsook, I., Magday, W.D. (2019). Move confirmation and teaching strategy identification of english student-teachers’ lesson plans in the Philippines: A rhetorical framework for novice teachers. International Journal of Learning, Teaching and Educational Research 18(12), pp. 150-173
–Srisa-an, W., Pramoolsook, I. (2018). Development of cooperative and work-integrated education in Thailand: Looking back, looking now, and looking forward. Cooperative and Work-Integrated Education in Asia: History, Present and Future Issues pp. 105-127
–Yaemwannang, C., Pramoolsook, I. (2018). Hotel responses to online complaints. Ways of Seeing, Ways of Being: Representing the Voices of Tourism pp. 196-211
–Yaemwannang, C. & Pramoolsook, I. (2018). Move and Writing Strategy Analysis of International Hotel Homepages. JTESAP, 6(1), 83-96
–Yaemwannang, C. & Pramoolsook, I. (2018). Multimodal Discourse Analysis of Image-Text Relations in International Hotel Homepages. Suranaree Journal of Social Science, 12(2)
–Saengsai, Y., & Pramoolsook, I. (2017). Move analysis of science and engineering PhD abstracts: variations between the two disciplines in a Thai University. วารสารวิชาการมนุษยศาสตร์และสังคมศาสตร์ มหาวิทยาลัยบูรพา, 25(47), 305-326.
–Loan, N. T. T., and Pramoolsook, I. (2016). Citations in literature review chapters of TESOL master’s theses by Vietnamese postgraduates. GEMA Online Journal of Language Studies. 16(2): 18-32
–Loan, N. T. T., and Pramoolsook, I. (2016). Master’s theses written by Vietnamese and international writers: Rhetorical structure variations. Asian ESP Journal. 12(1): 106-127.
–Loan, N. T. T., and Pramoolsook, I. (2016). Citation Practice in the Whole TESOL Master’s Theses by Vietnamese Postgraduates. 3l-Language Linguistics Literature-the Southeast Asian Journal of English Language Studies. 22(3): 79-92
–Li, Q., & Pramoolsook, I. (2016). Research article abstracts in two subdisciplines of business: move structure and hedging between management and marketing. English Language Teaching, 8(1), 52-62
–Nguyen, T. T. L., & Pramoolsook, I. (2015). Reporting verbs in Literature Review Chapters of TESOL Master’s theses written by Vietnamese postgraduates. ESP Today, 3(2), 196-215
–Loan, N.T.T., Pramoolsook, I. (2015). Move analysis of results-discussion chapters in TESOL Master’s theses written by Vietnamese students. 3L: Language, Linguistics, Literature.21(2): 1-15
–Loan, N.T.T., Pramoolsook, I. (2015). Citation in Vietnamese TESOL: Analysis of master’s thesis introduction chapters. Asian ESP Journal. 11(1): 95-120
–Loan, N.T.T., Qian, L., Linh, N.D., Pramoolsook, I. (2014). TESOL conference abstracts: Discrepancies between potential writers’ knowledge and actual composition. 3L: Language, Linguistics, Literature . 20(3): 161-176.
–Nguyen, T. T. L., & Pramoolsook, I. 92014). Rhetorical structure of Introduction Chapters written by novice Vietnamese TESOL postgraduates. 3L: Language, Linguistics, Literature, The Southeast Asian Journal of English Language Studies, 20(1), 61-74.