Dr. Sirinthorn Seepo
PhD (Foreign Language Education) University of Pittsburgh, PA, USA
MA in Applied Linguistics (English for Science and Technology) King Mongkut’s Institute of Technology Thonburi, Bangkok, Thailand
BA (1st Class Honors) in French. Chiang Mai University, Chiang Mai, Thailand
Research Interests: TEFL, Teacher Training, Content-based Instruction
–Deng, D., Seepho, S., and Lian, A.P. (2020). Preferential Admission Policies for Ethnic Minority Students in Yunnan: Help or Hindrance. International Journal of Learning, Teaching and Educational Research, 19(4), pp. 356-376.
–Xie, G., Tajaroensuk, S. & Seepho, S. (2019). The Effectiveness of Work-based Reflective Model for In-service Tertiary Tourism English Teachers’ Professional Development. Suranaree Journal of Social Science 13 (1); January-June 2019 (73-88)
–Wang, S., & Seepho, S. (2017). Facilitating. Chinese EFL Learners’ Critical Thinking Skills: The Contributions of Teaching Strategies. SAGE Open. 7(3): 1-9. doi:10.1177/2158244017734024
–Thao Q. T.& Seepho, S. (2017). Intercultural Language Education : Supportive Factors and Constraints on EFL Learners’ Intercultural Communicative Competence Development. Suranaree Journal of Social Science. 11(1): 1-28.
–Asmara, A., & Seepho, S. (2017). Duong, M. T. & Seepho, S. (2017). Implementing a Portfolio-based Learner Autonomy Development Model in an EFL Writing Course. Suranaree Journal of Social Science. 11(1): 29-46.
–L2 Grammar Learning Strategies Used by High Good Verbal & Logical Intelligence Learners: EFL Indonesian University Students. The 1st International Conference on English Language Studies (ICELS), MahaSarakham, Thailand. 29-30 August 2016. p.1-27.
–Sheng, W. & Seepho, S. (2016). The Development of Critical Thinking in EFL Reading with Chinese Students: Reducing the Obstructive Effect of English Proficiency. Suranaree Journal of Social Science. 10(2). 33-51
–Thao, Q. T. & Seepho, S (2016). Intercultural Language Education: EFL Learners’ Perceptions toward Intercultural Language Communicative Teaching. Philippine ESL Journal. 16. 46-64.
— Tran, T. Q., & Seepho, S. (2016). The Development of an Intercultural Communicative Language Teaching Model for EFL Learners. Thai TESOL Journal, 29(1), 73-93.
–Thao, Q. T. & Seepho, S. (2016). EFL Learners’ Attitudes toward Intercultural Communicative Language Teaching and their Intercultural Communicative Competence Development. Journal of English Studies. 11. 1-40
–Tran, T. Q., & Seepho, S. (2016). An Intercultural Communicative Competence Model for EFL Learners. The 4th TESOL 2016: Teaching Methodologies and Learning Outcomes in Ho Chi Minh City (pp. 27-42). Ho Chi Minh City: Publishing House of Economics.
–Duong, M. T. & Seepho, S. (2015). Constructing a Proposed Portfolio-based Learner Autonomy Development Model for EFL Learners.English for Specific Purposes World. 48 (16). 1-18
–Lan, Y. & Seepho, S. (2015). Problem-based Learning Materials Design for a Medical English Course. Theory and Practice in Language Studies. 5(7). 1346-1351.
–Newprasit, N. & Seepho, S. (2015). The Effects of a Project-based Learning Approach on the Improvement of English Language Skills. Journal of Applied Language Studies and Communication. 1(1). 16-51.
–Thao, Q. T. & Seepho, S. (2015). An Instructional Design Model for Intercultural Language Teaching: A Proposed Model Humanising Language Teaching Magazine for Teachers and Teacher Trainers. 17(1).
–Meng, J., Tajaroensuk, S., & Seepho, S. (2013). Recommendations for Sustaining the In-service Professional Development of Tertiary EFL Teachers. Theory and Practice in Language Studies. 3(8). 1311-1321.
–Zhang, L. & Seepho, S. (2013). Metacognitive Strategy Use an Academic Reading Achievement: Insight from a Chinese Context. Electronic Journal of Foreign Language Teaching. 10(1). 54-69
–Meng, J., Tajaroensuk, S., & Seepho, S. (2013). The multilayered peer coaching model and the in-service professional development of tertiary EFL teachers. International Education Studies, 6(7) 18-31