Dr. Kunlaphak Kongsuwannakul
2017 PhD in Education, University of Leicester, United Kingdom
2006 MA in English, Chulalongkorn University, Thailand
2003 BEd in Secondary Education, Chulalongkorn University, Thailand
Research Interests: Test validation, Construct validity
Kongsuwannakul, K. (2022). Relating a concordance-based cloze test to the model of communicative language ability: a verbal protocol study, Language Testing in Asia 12(1): 1–19. https://doi.org/10.1186/s40468-021-00151-4.
———. (2021). Investigating Patterns of Rasch Item Estimates in Examinations of Foundation English Courses: A Gradient Assumption Examined, The International Journal of Assessment and Evaluation 28(1): 113–123. doi:10.18848/2327-7920/CGP/v28i01/113-123.
–Kongsuwannakul, K. (2020). A case of the validity investigation of concordance-based cloze testing: construct relevance revisited. Suranaree Journal of Social Science.
–Kongsuwannakul, K. (2020). Making a case for a change to using CEFR-oriented placement test scores: A reflexive ethnographic decision making. Heliyon, 6(1), 1-9.
–Kongsuwannakul, K. (2018). Evaluating Three Decades of Studies in Concordance-Based Cloze Testing: Some Insights for Future Directions. International Journal of Assessment and Evaluation 25(2):13-28
–Kongsuwannakul, K. (2018). Using reflexive ethnography in justifying a change in test use: A convergence between quantitative language testing and qualitative hermeneutics. 6th International Conference on New Trends in English Language Teaching and Testing (NTELTISTANBUL) 2018
–Kongsuwannakul, K. (2015). Prototyping a Concordance-based Cloze Test: Preliminary Results. 7th International Conference on Humanities and Social Sciences
–Kongsuwannakul, K. (2015). Six techniques for creating variety in the concordance-based cloze item type. The International Journal of Assessment and Evaluation
–Kongsuwannakul, K. (2015). Theoretical considerations of applications and implications of concordance-based cloze tests. Digital Scholarship in the Humanities
–Kongsuwannakul, K. (2014). Language processes of the concordance-based cloze item type: Bridging a theoretical gap between language testing and second language acquisition. The International Journal of Communication and Linguistic Studies