Dr. Andrew Lian
1971 PhD French Language and Literature Universite de Paris IV-Sorbonne, France
1967 BA (Hons) French Language and Literature University of Sydney, Australia
Research Interests: Language Pedagogy, Technology Enhanced Language Learning, Critical Pedagogy
Li, Z., & Lian, A.-P. (2022). Achieving Self-Imitation for English Intonation Learning: the Role of Corrective Feedback. Chinese Journal of Applied Linguistics. Chinese Journal of Applied Linguistics, 45(01), 106-125 (Web of Science/Scopus).
Cai, X., Lian, A.-P., Puakpong, N., Shi, Y., Chen, H., Zen, Y., Ou, J., Zheng, W., & Mo, Y. (2021). Optimizing Auditory Input for Foreign Language Learners through a Verbotonal-Based Dichotic Listening Approach. Asian-Pacific Journal of Second and Foreign Language Education (SCOPUS; Web of Science ESCI; ERIC), 6(14).
Liu, K., Lian, A.-P., & Yodkamlue, B. (2021). Integrating Information literacy Training in an English-Speaking Course in the Chinese Context. Proceedings of the 17th International Conference of the Asia Association of Computer-Assisted Language Learning (AsiaCALL 2021), 533, 29–39. https://doi.org/10.2991/assehr.k.210226.004
Tuyen Nguyen, C. B., & Lian, A.-P. (2021). Exploring Challenges of Major English Students Towards Learning English Speaking Skills Online During Covid 19 Pandemic and Some Suggested Solutions. Proceedings of the 18th International Conference of the Asia Association of Computer-Assisted Language Learning (AsiaCALL–2-2021). 18th AsiaCALL International Conference, Atlantis Springer. https://doi.org/https://dx.doi.org/10.2991/assehr.k.211224.014
Lian, A.-P., Cai, X., Chen, H., Ou, J., & Zheng, W. (2020). Cerebral Lateralization Induced by Dichotic Listening to Filtered and Unfiltered Stimuli: Optimizing Auditory Input for Foreign Language Learners. Journal of Critical Reviews, 7, 4608-4625 (SCOPUS). https://doi.org/https://dx.doi.org/10.31838/jcr.07.19.541
Parnkul, K., Sangarun, P., & Lian, A.-P. (2020). An Investigation of Autonomous English Learners’ Personal Learning Environments. Journal of Humanities & Social Sciences, 18(2), 173-192 (Thai Citation Index). https://so03.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/jhusoc/index
Lu, J., Puakpong, N., & Lian, A.-P. (2020). Analysis of the listening comprehension errors of Chinese university learners of English as a foreign language. IVCST Conference Proceedings, 576–582.
Guo, L., Lian, A., & Puakpong, N. (2020). Development of a Web-based Autonomous Listening Comprehension for Chinese High School Students. IVCST Conference Proceedings, 605–612
Luu, T. M. V., Lian, A.-P., & Siriyothin, P. (2020). Prosody-Based Techniques for Enhancing EFL Learners’ Listening Skills. In T. T. T. Le, T. T. Q. Bui, M. T. Mai, & T. N. Lam (Eds.), Proceedings of the 8th OpenTesol international conference 2020 (pp. 263–276). Ho Chi Minh City Open University, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam.
Luu, T. M. V., Lian, A., & Siriyothin, P. (2020). Interpretations of EFL Learners’ Listening Barriers from a Perceptual Perspective. IVCST Conference Proceedings, 569–575.
— Fengwei Wen, Lian, A-P. & Sangarun, P. (2020). A Modification of the Notion of (Corrective) Optimal in the Verbotonal Approach, Govor/Speech, 37(2).
–Deng, D., Seepho, S., & Lian, A. (2020). Preferential Admission Policies for Ethnic Minority Students in Yunnan: Help or Hindrance. International Journal of Learning, Teaching and Educational Research, 19(4), 356-376
— Li, Z., Lian, A.-P., & Yodkamlue, B. (2020). Learning English Intonation Through Exposure to Resynthesized Self-produced Stimuli. GEMA Online® Journal of Language Studies, 20(1), 54-76
–Boonrasamee, N., Buripakdi, A., & Lian, A.-P. (2019). Personal Learning Environments Enhance Language Learners to Organize Self-Regulated Learning. Veridian E-Journal – Humanities, Social Sciences and Arts, 12(6), 604–621.
–Wei, Q., Siriyothin, P., & Lian, A.-P. (2018). Chinese University EFL Students’ Perceptions of Learner Autonomy in Language Learning. Beyond Words, 6(1), 26–40.
–Wei, Q., Siriyothin, P., & Lian, A.-P. (2018). Improving Chinese University EFL Students’ Speaking Skills through Digital Storytelling. Suranaree Journal of Social Science, 12(2).
–Lian, A.-P., & Sussex, R. D. (2018). Toward a critical epistemology for learning languages and cultures in 21st century Asia. In A. Curtis & R. D. Sussex (Eds.), Intercultural Communication in Asia: Education, Language and Values (Vol. 24, pp. 37–54). Springer International Publishing AG.
–Lian, A. P., & Sangarun, . (2017). Precision language education: A glimpse into a possible future. GEMA Online Journal of Language Studies, 17(4), 1-15. doi:10.17576/gema-2017-1704-01.
–Bao, S., Wannaruk, A., & Lian, A.-P. (2017). Listening comprehension and anxiety in Chinese university EFL students. Rangsit Journal of Arts and Sciences, 7(2), 181–191.
–Yang, Y., Wannaruk, A., & Lian, A.-P. (2017). Improving the English-speaking skills of Chinese primary EFL learners with a verbotonal approach. Rangsit Journal of Arts and Sciences, 7(2), 141–156.
–Lian, A.-P. (2017). The inexorable rise of the proletarian autodidact. In A. B. Lian, P. Kell, P. Black, & K. Y. Lie (Eds.), Challenges in Global Learning (pp. 282–313). Cambridge, UK: Cambridge Scholars.
–Lian, A. B., Bodnarchuk, A., Lian, A.-P., & Napiza, C. (2017). Academic writing as aesthetics applied: creative use of technology to support learning. In A. B. Lian, P. Kell, P. Black, & K. Y. Lie (Eds.), Challenges in Global Learning (pp. 350–374). Cambridge, UK: Cambridge Scholars.
–Zhang, X., Siriyothin, P., & Lian, A.-P. (2016). Gender differences and reading proficiency in relation to learning styles of Chinese undergraduate EFL students. Rangsit Journal of Arts and Sciences, 6(2), 129–140.
–Yang, Y., & Lian, A.-P. (2016). Factors Affecting Chinese Students’ Academic Listening, Their Coping Strategies and Self-efficacy-a Case Study of Yunnan-Guizhou Ethnic Minority Graduate Students in Thai Universities. Guizhou Ethnic Studies, 37(5), 227–232.
–Sangarun, P., & Lian, A.-P. (2015). Flying Free: unfettering the spirit of innovation in doctoral level language education programmes. In P. Darasawang & H. Reinders (Eds.), Innovation in language learning and teaching (pp. 43–62). Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.
–Yang, Y., & Lian, A.-P. (2015). On the study of language planning in the ethnic minority areas from the perspective of economics of language: A case study of Yunnan Province. Guizhou Ethnic Studies, 36(12), 234–238.
–Chai, N., Wannaruk, A., & Lian, A.-P. (2015). A corpus-based study on Chinese EFL learners’ use of transitive constructions with neutral participants. Theory and Practice in Language Studies, 5(9), 1778–1790.
–He, B., Sangarun, P., & Lian, A.-P. (2015). Improving the English pronunciation of Chinese EFL university students through the integration of CALL and verbotonalism. In J. Colpaert, A. Aerts, M. Oberhofer, & M. Gutiérez-Colón Plana (Eds.), Seventeenth International CALL Research Conference: Task Design and CALL (pp. 276–285). University of Antwerp.
–Thienthong, A., & Lian, A.-P. (2014). The Use of Internet Resources and Applications for Language Instruction. Voices in Asia, 1(1), 107–116.
–Lian, A.-P. (2014). On-Demand Generation of Individualised Language Learning Lessons. Journal of Science, Ho Chi Minh City Open University, 9(1), 25–38.
— Peng, S., Siriyothin, P., & Lian, A.-P. (2014). Reading strategy use and reading proficiency of Chinese undergraduate students majoring in English. International Journal of Academic Research Part B, 6(2).
— Lian, A.-P., & Moore, C., R. (2014). Teaching business French with macrosimulation. Rangsit Journal of Arts and Sciences, 4(1), 1–10.
–He, B., Ai, J., & Lian, A.-P. (2014). Reflections on pronunciation instruction to English Majors — A case study at Xingyi Normal University for Nationalities. Journal of Xingyi Normal University for Nationalities, 2, 77–80.
— Lian, A.-P., & Pineda, M. V. (2014). Rhizomatic Learning: “As… When… and If…” A Strategy for the ASEAN Community in the 21st Century. Beyond Words, 2(1), 1–28.