Proposal Defense

Proposal Defense

SFL SUT is inviting you to a scheduled MS Team meeting. Topic: Mr. Nguyen Nhật Quang’s proposal defense (Nguyen N. Quang)…
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Graduate Programs Admission

Graduate Programs Admission

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Proposal Defense

Proposal Defense

SFL SUT is inviting you to a scheduled MS Team meeting. Topic: Mr. Le Quang Thao’s proposal defense (Thao Quang Le)…
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Program Learning Outcomes(Ph.D.)

1. Recognize and demonstrate professional and academic codes of conduct.                       2. Show skills, knowledge, and expertise in the sciences related to the English language deeply by analyzing, synthesizing and criticizing concepts and theories in English language studies.

Program Learning Outcomes (M.A.)

1. Recognize and demonstrate professional and academic codes of conduct                        2. Demonstrate effective use of the English language for communication for academic, teaching and learning, and research purposes.

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